Saturday, November 19, 2005

Well, the other day I ended up comming face to face with my main issue. Literally! What I will say is that it is about someone from my past. Anywyay, I ended up comming face to face with them. Seeing them when I didn't really want to. Well, I was not happy, but at least now I'm sorting through my feelings about the whole thing. Instead of hidding my feelings, I actually started to let them out. I found that I am still really, really angry about the whole thing and about him. At least I know how I really feel. The next step I think after realising these feelings is to deal with them. I'm still not sure how I'm gonna do that, but I'm 100% positive that God will show me. I've had all this anger all bottled up so I'm glad it's comming out, so it won't be bottled up anymore. I'm so grateful to God for helping me through this. I'm not sure how I would have handled this without him. He really is my rock and my protector. Trust me. Rely on him and you can't go wrong. Praise God!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's not often I feel speechless, so mark it on your calendar.

So, what did "the person in question" have to say?

11/19/2005 3:15 AM

Blogger gazza said...

I had a big reply written, but then I forgot to type "oggyhijvisizif" and I lost it. :(

The gist of it was, good on you, heap burning coals on his head, and amen!

11/21/2005 2:16 AM


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