Happy happy, joy joy.
Worship on Sunday for me was 'MIND BLOWING'! It was SO awesome and I felt so connected with my God more than I have been in ages. I was on such a buzz I ran outside for a bit, started to act like a plane and had so much energy that I was bounceing like a tigger. Also my heart was doing something. It was like it was literately on fire for God. It was SOO cool. Big ups to the worship team and even bigger ups to God. Also, I'm so surprised at the lenths people will go to for me. On Sunday Jenn gave me a book and she appoligised that it was late as she had to wait for it cuz she had ordered it from like australia. To order a book for little old me ( that I didn't ask for) and to go out of your way and wait for it etc. I find that unbelieveable. I'm not used to people doing things like that for me. I'm used to doing that for others lol. So thank you soo much Jenn for going out of your way for me. Overall I am unbeliveably happy now. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me. I have a message for you from the big Guy. " You are my children, with whom I am pleased". Again thankyou :) *Hugs* to everyone.
It's great to see you on such a high and truly buzzing for God. Good stuff.
2/06/2006 12:49 AM
You deserve it Leesh. So glad to hear you feeling beta & close with your Creator!!
It's a real encouragement for me that you connected with God through worship on Sunday night. Sometimes you wonder ;)
2/06/2006 6:26 PM
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