I had a dream a while ago that I was in a boat that had no front to it. I was in the front seat clearly looking straight into the water of a river/stream or something similar. It was a christian boat and there was a teacher who handed out some liquorish and we were asked to think about what each of them tasted like. The first two I was given were a pink and lighter pink . I remember noticing that they were very similar in taste. Then I was given a black part, like from those square Liquorices that had black and other colours. I remember thinking that this one tasted like the 'eyes of God'. (Weird ay!!!) Anyways it was at this point that this teacher guy went to this other girl and asked her what she had tasted. She said 'ring of fire'. Then they had a conversation of which I could not hear while I was thinking ' why isn't mine being interpreted'. That's pritty much it and then I woke up. Some people have already told me what they think the dream means, but I won't talk about that yet until I find out what others think. Don't want to influence your comments.
lol Jared. i dont think my dreams come in chapters of da bible
10/03/2005 4:36 AM
I would like the movie rights for this dream. I would call it The night of the living boat with no front, lol. I make no sense.
10/05/2005 9:16 PM
Interesting. Me thinks you have been given a bit of a special gift. The trick now is to use it and keep using it. Keep doing what your doing.
P.s. doesn't spam suck
10/06/2005 2:22 PM
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